Daily Archives: September 2, 2008

“Let us praise God together on our knees…”

Those words (from a familiar church hymn) came to mind today as our family enjoyed every bit of beauty God had to offer today at the Bruckner Nature Center just south of Troy, OH.  I’d like to believe when we’re singing those words, we’re not saving the “praise” just for formalized prayer.  I’ll take it a step further, and offer that the excitement and joy our children found in God’s marvelous creation today, often thanking and praising his works, were certainly a prayer in the most basic form.  Simple appreciation and wonder…and quite often on our knees!  It’s humbling and awesome really to spend time with the kids in a setting such as this…woods, creek beds, plants, animals and insects of every variety.  Gods blessings are indeed abundant.  Have a peaceful week all!  ~Jamie